On 31st March our new range of LED floodlights gained their SGS Certificate of Suitability for the Australian market. SGS Certificate number 140161 covers our LFL90, LFL120, LFL150 and LFL180 models, which are each avaialable in a variety of beam configurations to suit different indoor and outdoor applications.
The SGS testing covered all points where Australian safety standards differ to the European Safety standards to which the floodlights had already been certified. This gives our customers peace of mind that the lamp is fully compliant to Australian standards and so poses no risk from an electrical safety, fire or EMC perspective.
SGS also undertook Lamp Circuit Power testing to confirm the total power consumption of lamp and driver, required for the VEET Scheme.
The full list of certifications for the LFL range now covers:
AS/NZS60598.2.5 and EN60598.2.5 (which incorporates EN 62031, EN 62471 and EN 62493)
EN62493 for EMF
EN55015 EMC Radio Disturbance
EN61547 EMC Immunity
IEC61347.1 and IEC61347.2.13 for safety of the Mean Well Drivers as stand alone components
We also have full LM-80-08 reports for the Nichia chips used in the lamps based on 10,000 hours testing. For all six test conditions tested the LM-79 forecasts show a reportable L70 in excess of 60,000hours.